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  • Shock absorptionIn the event of impact, the 4-point harness design is capable of improving the distribution of the force over the entire head to reduce the damage caused by the impact.According to standard testing methods provided in European standard, a standard 5 kg striker is dropped from a height of 250 mm to hit the safety helmet. The helmet should afford sufficient protection to the wearer’s head and ensure that the force of impact transmitted to the head does not exceed 15kN.
  • Penetration ProtectionAccording to standard testing methods provided in European standard, a standard 500 g puncture striker is dropped from a height of 50 mm to hit the safety helmet. The helmet should afford sufficient protection to the wearer’s head and prevent any injury caused by the puncture hammer.
  •  ApplicationBump caps can be used to protect the user against injuries caused by accidental bumping against fixed and hard objects.Bump caps are lightweight protective helmets that can be worn for extended periods of time without exhaustion. The purpose of the design is to protect the user against accidental bumping against fixed and hard objects such as racks, beams, suspended objects in the workplace, and other relevant injuries when the wearer is engaged in walking, raising the head, lowering the head, bending over, or other forms of movement.The bump cap is inadequate against impact caused by objects falling from a great height.In workplaces with such risks, such as construction yards, the bump cap should not be worn and instead should be replaced with the safety helmet.
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