Image Data
Reg by: Jade David
- 3,800 ML with moisturizer
- Alcohol grade: 189 (min) result: 191.4
- pH: 5.5 to 7.0 result: 6.47
- Permanganate Time, Minutes: 20 (min) result: 30.00 - as is ETSL - must be stable
- Chloride ppm: 2.5 (max) result: 0.88
- Cyanide test ppm: nagative result: negative
- Deacetyl, ppm: <6.67 result: 1.00
- Acidity or Alkalinity: the solution is pink result: pink
- Acidity of non volatile residue: <2.5 mg result: 0.9
- Color: colorless result: colorless
- Miscibility with water, 50% v/v: clear result: clear
- Sensory Analysis: no off odor result: no off odor
- Specific gravity @ 33 degres C: 0.798-0.801 result:0.801
Product Files
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